Friday, January 29, 2010

In print and prose: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we watched a short biography on his life and legacy on YouTube, listened to and analyzed his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, and scrutinized ways to counter racism, bigotry, and injustice at a personal level.

While we examined some aspects of that turbulent era, the following piece shows photojournalism at its best--weaving together a complex story primarily through the use of visual images. Take a look, truly a picture is worth a thousand words.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Now that you have some background knowledge on King and the Civil Rights Movement, examine some of his most famous quotes. Select one that "speaks to you," identify it, and explain why as an extra credit comment.

Or, complete this sentence starter: "Dr. King inspires me to..." and post for extra credit.

Just to keep it fun and challenging, no repeats :)