As we've read about "Three World Colliding" (African, Native-American and European culture), we have discussed ways that slaves resisted--both actively and passively-- the inhumane treatment and circumstances they found themselves in.
"Friends are relatives you make for yourself." Eustice DechampsBuying a greeting card--which had the above quote on it--for a friend who moved away, I was reminded of our discussion concerning the practice of fictive kinship by slaves. In class, we defined the practice and discussed why it was used.
What I would like to know, for extra credit, is one of the following:
1) Do you believe in or have you ever practiced the idea of fictive kinship? Explain why and the circumstances.
2) Give other examples of passive slave resistance. NO REPEATS :) If you need a little help, click here for a review or look in your book.
Two excellent historians on the subject of slavery include Eric Foner and Eugene Genovese. Check to see if the library carries the work of either if you'd like to learn more about these times. You could also do a review for the student blog for additional extra credit.
REMEMBER: when posting, for on line safety, please use only the initial of your first and last name and your period number. I can figure it out with that information :)