In class we read about "The Worst of the Worst"--but the issue was 2003. Due to my aversion of cutting down acres of trees to keep this current, I found the following link and would encourage you to compare it to the 2003 list. Mostly the cast of players are the same.
The World's 10 Worst Dictators |
I found the 2010 worst dictators list much more interesting then the one we had studied in class. Not only do i think its order of worst to best is better, I found it very interesting that the particular website showed the U.S. connections to the countries. One thing i noticed was that some of the dictators i have never heard of had good trade connections with the United States. Other dictators like Kim Jong Il who i had heard of had no trade connections. I believe it kind of relates to what we have been talking about in class about perception and how the government tries to alter it. I believe this is a good example of how the government tries to keep some of these countries from ridicule because of our trade connections. How ever, i do not believe we need to police all these countries but it does propose a moral issue to me as a United States citizen to know we are supporting repressive dictators.
Period 3
I personally did not like the most recent list, not because of the order, but because i believe that they could have gone into much more detail about what is going on in their countries. These men should not be entitled to run countries. These men shouldn't be etntitled but maybe one hour a day of yard time in a max security prison. I do not think these men should even be labeled from worst to least worse. All of their crimes are against human born rights, such as being able to speak freely, have your own religion or even get your on ID card. I believe we should stop writing about these people in magazines and papers and start acting against these crimes. Omar al-Bashir is on this list, and I wrote my research paper on him. He got charged with all of those inhuman crimes but why hasn't any of the other people on this list? It truly baffles me.
Mikel Muessig period 3
When I read this article, I thought to my self you got to be kidding me. How are these people even still alive let alone still hold great political power. These men are not even helping there country at all. In Fact, they are actually destroying it. The economy is so low that 50 billion dollars can only buy you two loafs of bread. THe health of the countries is even worse. Death rates have increased the average life expectancy has lowered. These men are not even wanting to help their country get better. They are just in power so that they can make everyone else do what they want. If you ask me, I think that these men shouldn't even be alive or they should be in jail for the rest of their lives so that someone else can actually step up and help their country for a greater cause. The other thing, is why is our country just sitting around and not really doing anything to help out these innocent civilians? There has to be a better reason then just saying that they don't want to create enemies, such as Saudi Arabia because we need the fossil fuels in which they have.
Tyler Osborne
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