To wrap up our study of the Atomic Age, take a look at the following webquest from
The Presidential Timeline of the Twentieth Century. This webquest asks that you read an introduction (much of which we went over in class lecture), analyze some primary documents--photos and letters, examine reasons for Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb, and then decide whether or not you agree and why.
For extra credit, in your post, please complete Phase 1, 3, and 4 of the webquest. As always, the quality of your response determines the amount of extra credit you earn.
The Letter was written by Harry S. Truman on the date of August 5 1945. The reason that i think that they left the name of the city in which they dropped the atomic bomb was not said was because they didn't want the public to no that the city had lots of people who lived there that were going to die. The public might think that what we did was cruel and not neccssary if we said the name of the city. Harry Truman weighed all of his options and found out that the best thing to do was to go on with the dropping of the two bombs. What most americans won't no is that the dropping of those bombs would save the lives of lots of american soldiers.
Tyler OSborne
It was written by Harry Truman on the date of August 5 1945. My reason to why they left the name of the city in which they bombed was to leave a little bit of unconnectedness with those people for the less u know about someone, and the less u did. Leaves You with less guilt in the end.
Ryker Andersen
Hope we never use the A bomb again
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