Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So you're probably familiar with these lyrics from the Beatles:

"You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We'd all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well you know
We'd all want to change the world!"

But, how much do you know about the anatomy of the American Revolution?
Why would loyal English subjects choose to sever the umbilical cord with the Crown?
Here's a great link from "how stuff works" to get you started reviewing.

To bring this discussion full circle, what inspires people to yearn and fight for revolution today--sometimes at great danger to themselves and their families?
What issues--if any--would you consider important enough to fight for change?

...Or, what songs/lyrics do you know that deal with this topic?


Anonymous said...

Very cool! You may have inspired me to start my own!

"What issues--if any--would you consider important enough to fight for change?"

Well, I would say my future is worth fighting to change. Right now, with gas prices at an all time high, the environment at an all time low, the cost of college increasing, our economy getting worse, and the way the world perceives us getting more generation doesn't look too hot. Fighting to turn that around is important to me.

As for a song that deals with this...hmmm...I can think of one that kind of addresses America's least in the first verse:

North American Scum by LCD Sound System

Oh oh oh
oh i don't know, i don't know, oh, where to begin
we are north americans
and for those of you who still think we're from england
we're not, no.
we build our planes and our trains till we think we might die,
far from North America,
where the buildings are old and you might have lots of mimes.
aha, oh, oh.
i hate the feelin' when you're looking at me that way
cause we're north americans
but if we act all shy, it'll make it ok
makes it go away.

oh I don't know, I don't know, oh, where to begin
when we're north american
but in the end we make the same mistakes all over again
come on north americans

we are north american scum
we're from north america

Interesting, right?

Anonymous said...

I shall say, impressive. Unlike lewis, I'm not very good at writing comments or blogging. So, I read others and give encouragement. Like with yours, I love how you started off with the beetles. Thats just great! =) (like i said horrible at writing comments. lol)


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog has gotten me to think that if America becomes more corrupt and controlling than it is today, will I be willing to stand up against the "all-empowering" government? I would be putting everything on the line. Yes, America is said to have the freedom of speech. But, sometimes, I feel that when I speak my opinions, others condemn me for my thoughts.

For as long as I can remember, teachers, parents, and role models have told children to be who they want to be and to stand out. Well, when anyone does try to stand out, they are told to stop looking for attention and to shut up and sit in the corner. We are also told to reach for our dreams, but are repeatedly told that our dreams are too far and too out of reach.

I guess that I would fight for freedom to truly be able to reach for our dreams--especially education--without obstacles like money and societal labels. Yes, I know that America is in a financial crisis right now, but many people don't specifically go to college for specifically that reason--it's too expensive.

I know it might sound a little corny, but "Defying Gravity" from the musical "Wicked" has great lyrics and has inspired me to reach beyond what society tells me is right and wrong and to be who I want to be.

"Something has changed within me
I'm through playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down
I'm through accepting limits
Cuz someone says they're so
But 'till I try, I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid ...

Joetta L.

Nik Wong said...

People today fight for what they believe in much like they did in the 1700s. Any unjust in society causes people to yearn for change. Because they see something that could be for the greater good.

An issue I believe in fighting for is fighting the tobacco industry. Each day, tobacco kills 1200 Americans, while big tobacco executives make billions of dollars. With so many dying, they must have new smokers - high schoolers. The tobacco industry refers to teenagers as "replacement smokers." It's absolutely absurd and insulting to my generation.

The Glass Hen said...

The strangest this is that as I decided that I would finally take a look at your blog, Mrs. Fettig, I just happened to be listening to the very same song that you mentioned! Strange....

Also strange is the reason why I was litening to "Revolution". My friends Presley brought up that she was ready for a revolution, but she just couldn't think of what kind; she merely wanted a change, something to usurp the status quo. I turned to the song and thought over Presley's words(and then looked at your blog, which brought my thoughts full circle).

I would fight for a revolution in the attitude of my generation-- maybe more a revelation then revolution? Either way, I believe that fighting not so much to make people think a certain way, but to think at all, is terribly important. I understand that my generation is not fully grown, most of us are merely on the brink of a adulthood. However, the next step isn't far away. We have but two years left in highschool, and then the world becomes a lot more real.
Most of my peers' minds don't function more then they have to; they try to get by with the minimum. There are so many things that we could solve if people could merely stretch their mind and try to solve them. Generations before us have done it, but most of the people I am growing up with fail to inspire much confidence in me.
Wheather this means that I merely have to trust the elite of my generation, or fight for something like another Enlightenment, I am not sure. Yet, I believe that it is worth a fight to jumpstart my generation's involvment in the world, and somehow better inform them so maybe, one day, we can go on to fight for other important changes.

~ Tabby M.

Katie Lou said...

Katelynn Frantz

All most anything could inspire someone to fight for a revolution.From equal rights which we saw in the Civil war to having our own country with fair rules.As for me fighting for issues that i think should happen i would definitely fight for equal rights.I know we have that here in America but i would fight for is in lets say Iraq or Afghanistan.Women are treated like dirt there.I mean common why should you have to hide your face in public?How does that show respect to men?If I was them and I knew what it was like in America i would fight for what they have.Even if it cost me my life in the making.

Anonymous said...

people choose to fight in revolutions to do what they feel is right or for a belief that spurres in the moment. A revolution may occur also if a leader has misled their country or become hated.
-brandon o'hara

and i dont want to sign up to google/blogger so......... =]

Anonymous said...

Revolution gives people a sense of being in control of the situation at hand. Revolution is a fight for freedom in almost every sense. Revolutions are something that people with a more than reasonable cause fight for, for the opportunity to make something happen to make a change in the world. it may not be the biggest difference but it still will matter to someone. The Beatles said it best and that is the only way to put it.