Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Battle for New Orleans

Some of my favorite memories of my dad have to do with his Ford F150 black truck and the 8 track player in it. As a little girl, I spent hours in it listening to two tapes over and over again--Johnny Cash and Johnny Horton. Not only did both have catchy tunes, they sang about the common man and his struggles AND about historical events. As we complete our study of the War of 1812, I'd like to share Horton's song with you.

Kudos to Evan Bell, who shared this version with me. It's so much more fun than just the song (though my first thought was WHO has this much time on their hands?).

To bring the topic full circle, evaluate to what degree New Orleans' struggles serve as a barometer of American society in general.


Anonymous said...

This is a great way to explain this one battle of the War of 1812. The leggo guys rock!

Anonymous said...

I think this battle shows how America came together to defeat the British. A diversity of soldiers, sailors, militia, Indians, and African Americans all came together and fought as one against Britain's finest troops. Yet, my question to you is, What brought them all together?