Monday, January 5, 2009

Progressive Era --Guess Who?!?

The Progressive Era was exactly what the name implied, a bustling time of change and reform. Crusaders worked tirelessly against greed and corruption, for social justice and the general betterment of mankind. Some goals included: ending child labor, improving city life (especially for the poor), pushing for workplace safety, regulating food and drug purity, and making democracy more accessible for all.

The wordle at right describes one of the many Progressive leaders. The first student to correctly post his/her identity (the answer to my wordle) on this blog will be awarded 30 extra credit.

As for the rest of you, should you desire extra credit, you may select your own Progressive leader (the subject I've shown is out), and complete your own wordle. If you do so, please email me a copy at and post their identity in the subject line. Don't forget to also include your name and period number.


Anonymous said...

I believe the Gentleman in your wordle is Theodore Roosevelt.

yankeelover said...

EGADS!!!! You forgot to identify yourself, so I can't give credit until someone leaves their name and period number. SORRY!

Anonymous said...

The one who left you the Anonymos post is me Sara Fisher.
Sorry my mistake

yankeelover said...

No worries, Sara:-) I have recorded your extra credit. Hopefully, your classmates will make their own wordles. It would be great to post some student work!

Anonymous said...

I will say this, The wordle thing is pretty cool. Even though mine is small and lame. lol =D

Sonja Choriki