Friday, May 8, 2009

The Results Are In!

Juniors, thank you for sharing your opinions with me, and helping me to work through the kinks of SMS text/on-line polling!

After the votes were in, I took a screen-shot and will post the results below. Polls everywhere is a cool web 2.0 tool that is EASY to use. I do hope that some of you will consider making a poll covering class content. Just come in before school or during your lunch with the question you'd like to pose to your peers, and possible responses. I'll guide you through the process of creating the poll and posting it to YOUR BLOG. It should only take about 10 minutes :-)

Period 0 results

Period 2 results

Period 3 results

Period 4 results

Period 5 results


Anonymous said...

I really like how you take that step up to the plate to try new things Mrs. Fettig. I think its so cool how you go about and use things like cell phones and other resources to help teach your students in your History classes.
-Shawna Fiedor- Fettig -4th period

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs Fettig!, I don't appricate that even though the kids for boys state are here during the finals they don't have to take them. What make them different then the kids that do have to take it. I'm tired of you treating your "Favorites" different then every other person.

yankeelover said...

Dear Anonymous Whiner! I don't appreciate that you had every opportunity to participate in these very events--yet did not. Now you want to complain because I am giving favorable attention to those who did. Shame on you!

As for the finals and boys' state, my rationale has everything to do with gender equity. Who is present to take finals and who is in Helena varies each year. Therefore, neither are required to take it, though both may opt to if they so choose. So sorry you don't find this fair, as I do think it is equitable. Should you be worried that they might "interrupt the learning environment, I assure you this will not happen or it will be addressed immediately. Lastly, you--whomever you are--had the chance to apply for this program too, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! Next time, try being part of the solution instead of the problem. Instead of whining about what others get to do, make sure you apply and you can join them!