Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Movers and Shakers of WWII

In your history class, we have been working on learning these important World War II leaders. In years past, I have simply used the photos and information as a chart on my whiteboard. This year, I am practicing using a new tool called VoiceThread. I've explained the anatomy of a VoiceThread and how to comment in your class. Remember, you're quest is to use both old and new technologies to learn each leaders' name, country, and affiliation (Axis or Allies).

As you play the VoiceThread, you'll see that information posted at the bottom of the photo which is hyperlinked to a reliable biographical website. For extra credit, visit these sites and practice commenting (as shown in class). To keep it fun, no repeats--so listen to the information posted.


Anonymous said...

Benito Mussolini was born at Dovia di Predappio, Italy, on July 29, 1883. Benito's life was not the easiest life that was led, he grew up poor and a socialist. He went to private school though and was expelled for stabbing a fellow peer. He decided to flea to Switzerland to avoid military service, but in 1904 he came back to Italy and joined the armed services. In his later years he became a Facist and led the revolt to overthrow Italy's government and he became their Facist dictator.

Tyler Rel
period 5

Anonymous said...

Charles de Gaulle was born in a town called Lille on the 22nd of november in 1890. His childhood was brought up in Paris, where his father was a teacher. De Gaykke wrote many books and articles dealing with military subjects. He once fled france to return as president of the provisional government. De Gaulle then un/resigned to presidency on many different occations, and later died of a heart-attack in 1970.


Anonymous said...

Joseph Stalin was born in poor village of Georgia. Stalins childhood was as bad as they get. He was born into a disfunctional family and had a case of smallpox.
When he grew up he was sent to seminary in Tiflis to become a priest. He never graduated but instead went on to help the revoultionary that was going on. Everyday he would go out and help smuggle illegal stuff and sometimes even robbed trains. When Lenin died so after, Stalin went around killing the rest of the party so that he could become to power. Later on during the war their was actually a plot to kill Stalin and remove him from power only to foiled by his own death. In the eyes of many, he is considered a hero for bringing Russia to great power.

Tyler Osborne
P. 2